8 May 2009

Just a thought

Days filled with the feeling of being moved, being calm and in the right place. Seems a bit odd since I've got sooo much to do and in fact one deadline chases another one. So much to do and so little time but yet "everything seems to be done while you're at it" as was neatly phrased yesterday by C. Time passes in between towns, in between beds, in between being complete and utter yearning. Two weeks left and the college adventure will be over, it seems that it was couple months ago when we first had met and soon we'll have to say goodbye, with some people for good, with other just for now. Kinda sad. I'm optimistic, filled with hope and expectations though pretty enraged with myself at times 'cause I spend soo much time on doing nothing and so much there is to do. Well I gotta look for something to boost my motivation. Can't wait for tonight.Can't stop thinking about yesterday.

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