26 Mar 2008

The Interrupted music lesson - Janusz "Kosa" Kosiński passed away

Janusz "Kosa" Kosiński ( 1944 - 2008 )

Another heartbreaking death of a wonderful, warm-hearted, kind and irreplaceable person. This past Easter I was heartbroken hearing the news that one of Polish Radio 3 legendary men - Janusz Kosiński died after a stroke. As far as I can reach with my memory I remember listening to His radio shows on "Trójka" and always waiting for His harsh comments on not only Polish reality and it's absurds but also on music, as Mr.Kosiński was truly the type of walkin encyclopedia in terms of music. Always kind, always smiling and always there for me and thousands of listeners to lead us through sleepless night with his soft voice and warm-hearted attitude towards life. Your death Mr.Kosiński is an interrupted music lesson, hope we'll meet ourselves in heaven one day and finish it.